
4th Workshop on
High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems
(HiRES 2016)


2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Management
in Embedded, High Performance and Cloud Computing

January 19, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic


in conjunction with the
11th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2016) 

HiRES 2016 and the second DREAMCloud Workshop will be organised together. More information on DREAMCloud available on


Goal of the HiRES Workshop

Increasingly, time is a relevant concern which impacts in all application areas and challenges ahead. Real-time requirements can be found in applications ranging from large-scale data processing systems to deeply embedded devices. Examples include safety-critical systems with high-performance requirements, such as collision avoidance and autonomous driving in avionics and automotive respectively, in which the correct timing behaviour is of paramount importance; consumer systems, such as video processing in TV sets and games; or real-time complex event processing applications, such as online trading or real-time traffic management.

In all these applications, systems are expected to cope with an increasing demand of functional and non-functional requirements, with the corresponding increase in processing capabilities, paving the way for high-performance architectures, of which multi-core and many-core systems are becoming pervasive. The capabilities and challenges of parallelization as a means to provide higher performance is a cross-cutting concern.

This workshop intends to bring together researchers and engineers in the confluence of high-performance, embedded systems and real-time systems. The goal is to allow for fruitful discussions on the challenges and research directions that should be tackled by the community. Papers and presentations illustrate current and future work in the theory and practice of the design and engineering of high-performance real-time embedded systems for a variety of application domains.

This is the 4th workshop in the series. Information on previous workshop can be found at HiRES 2013, HiRES 2014 and HiRES 2015.



14:00 Opening and Invited talk

Akash Kumar (TU Dresden)

Design and Evaluation of Reliability-oriented Task Re-Mapping in MPSoCs using Time-Series Analysis of Intermittent faults

Abstract: A large number of hardware faults are being caused by an increasing number of manufacturing defects and physical interactions during operation. This poses major challenges for the design and testing of modern Multiprocessor System-on- Chips (MPSoCs). Intermittent faults constitute a major part of hardware faults and their fault rates can be used as an indicator of the wear-out in a Processing Element (PE). We propose a run-time task re-mapping method that uses this information to improve the useful lifetime of MPSoCs. We also propose a scenario-aware system-level fault injection technique for intermittent faults to evaluate system-level design techniques in MPSoCs. Our performance results conclusively show that our strategy significantly scales on reliability metrics with respect to number of PEs. Specifically, we show that our method can achieve an increase in lifetime of up to 16% and tolerate up to 30% more faults than state-of-the-art techniques.

14:35 Session 1: Dynamic Resource Management in HPC and Cloud Computing

Monitoring in the Clouds: Comparison of ECO2Clouds and EXCESS Monitoring Approaches
Pavel Skvortsov, Dennis Hoppe, Axel Tenschert and Michael Gienger (HLRS, Universitaet Stuttgart, DE)

A Workflow for Fast Evaluation of Mapping Heuristics Targeting Cloud Infrastructures
Roman Ursu, Khalid Latif, David Novo, Manuel Selva, Abdoulaye Gamatie and Gilles Sassatelli (LIRMM - University of Montpellier, FR)
Dmitry Khabi and Alexey Cheptsov (HLRS, Universitaet Stuttgart, DE)

Bidding policies for market-based HPC workflow scheduling
Andrew Burkimsher and Leandro Soares Indrusiak (University of York, UK)

Improving virtual host efficiency through resource and interference aware scheduling
Evangelos Angelou, Konstantinos Kaffes, Athanasia Asiki, Georgios Goumas and Nectarios Koziris (National Technical University of Athens, GR)

15:35 Coffee break

16:00 Session 2: Predictable Resource Management in Multiprocessor Embedded Systems

Benchmarking, System Design and Case-studies for Multi-core based Embedded Automotive Systems
Piotr Dziurzanski, Amit Singh and Leandro Soares Indrusiak (University of York, UK)

Holistic Approach for Fault-Tolerant Network-on-Chip based Many-Core Systems
Siavoosh Payandeh Azad, Behrad Niazmand, Jaan Raik, Gert Jervan and Thomas Hollstein (Tallinn University of Technology, EE)

Design and validation of a multi-core embedded platform under high performance requirements
Vittoriano Muttillo (University of L'Aquila, IT)

Guaranteeing predictable parallel behavior in the P-SOCRATES architecture
Luis Miguel Pinho (CISTER - IPP, Porto, PT)

17:00 Invited talk

Gerard Rauwerda (RECORE)

Many-core processor architectures; fault-tolerance and programmability

Abstract: Massive many-core SoCs – like many other designs – are often designed with the focus on the hardware. The programming models for these complex many-cores often come as an afterthought and programmers have to make do with what is designed into the hardware. This gives many-core programming a reputation of being a programmer’s nightmare. In this talk, Gerard will present Recore's FlexaWare approach. FlexaWare® is a flexible and scalable embedded processing platform that unites easy programming and heterogeneous many-core system complexity. The embedded platform combines hardware, a runtime and a software development environment. Also, he will explain Recore's contribution  to several European FP7/H2020 research projects with respect to many-core programming issues as well as fault-tolerance.

17:30 Closing

Topics of interest

Topics of interest to this edition of the workshop include but are not limited to:

-                Runtimes and operating systems combining high-performance and predictability requirements;

-                Programming models and compiler support for providing real-time capabilities to multi- and many-core architectures;

-                Models and tools for code generation, system verification and validation;

-                Worst-case execution time analysis, parallel/dag-based task models, schedulability analysis of multi- and many-core systems; 

-                Heterogeneous multi-core embedded real-time architectures, many-core accelerators;

-                Time-predictable multi- and many-core processor architectures;

-                Time-aware energy-efficiency.




Luís Miguel Pinho, CISTER, Portugal

Eduardo Quiñones, BSC, Spain

Sascha Uhrig, Airbus Group Innovations, Germany


Program committee

Albert Cohen, INRIA, France

Alejandro Alonso, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Andrea Marongiu, ETHZ, Switzerland

Eduardo Quiñones, BSC, Spain

Johan Eker, Ericsson, Sweden

Luís Miguel Pinho, CISTER, Portugal

Marko Bertogna, University of Modena, Italy

Martin Schoeberl, DTU, Denmark

Neil Audsley, University of York, UK

Philippe Bonnot, Thales, France

Sascha Uhrig, Airbus Group Innovations, Germany

Theo Ungerer, University of Augsburg, Germany

Zlatko Petrov, Honeywell, Czech Republic