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CISTER keeps international leadership in real-time and embedded systems

4, Jan, 2016

In the past 3 years, CISTER hosted and CISTER researchers were general chairs of several key international conferences such as SIES 2013, EWSN 2015 and ARCS 2015. During that period, CISTER researchers were also general chairs of RTAS 2014 and program chairs of ECRTS 2013, RTAS 2013, ARCS 2014, WFCS 2014 and EWSN 2015, and were involved in over than 40 technical program committees of major conferences in the area of real-time and embedded computing systems, cyber-physical systems, reliable software, etc.

It is with deep satisfaction that we report that in 2016 this international scientific leadership will excel via the participation of CISTER researchers as program chairs of four major conferences in the area: ICCPS 2016, Ada-Europe 2016, RTCSA 2016 and RTNS 2016 and in a handful of workshops. This adds to the participation to the technical program committees of multiple other key scientific events in the area for 2016, including EWSN 2016, SIES 2016, WFCS 2016, ARCS 2015, ECRTS 2016, RTAS 2016, DATE 2016 or ETFA 2016.

This rich and relevant participation in scientific service in 2016 involves most of the PhD researchers of CISTER.