
Seminar Series 2009 - Konstantinos Bletsas

Seminar Series 2009 - Konstantinos Bletsas

Notional processors: an approach to multiprocessor scheduling.
25, Feb, 2009
ISEP-IPP, Porto, Portugal

This week, Konstantinos Bletsas discusses a new multiprocessor scheduling algorithm, characterised by few preemptions/migrations. The algorithm discussed in this talk is to be presented in the RTAS 2009 conference in April. Paper details: Consider the problem of designing an algorithm with a high utilisation bound for scheduling sporadic tasks with implicit deadlines on identical processors. A task is characterised by its minimum interarrival time and its execution time. Task preemption and migration is permitted. Still, low preemption and migration counts are desirable.
We formulate an algorithm with a utilisation bound no less than 66.6%, characterised by worst-case preemption counts comparing favorably against the state-of-the-art.
Speaker Bio: Dr Bletsas joined the group in October 2007, to work on the FCT-funded RESCORE project, in the area of multiprocessor scheduling. Before that, he was a PhD student in Computer Science at York (UK).

CISTER's main roles:
Konstantinos Bletsas