RTAS 2004

IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
26, May, 2004 to 28, May, 2004
Le Royal Meridien, King Edward, Toronto, Canada
Homepage: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/rtas04/Outside Link
Deadline: 12, Jan, 2004

RTAS 2004 seeks papers describing significant contributions to the broad field of embedded and real-time computing, control, and communication, that cover QoS issues in computation and networking, systems integration, scheduling, operating systems, middleware, software engineering, dependability, databases, programming languages, system development tools, performance modeling, and performance control. Special focus is on embedded and real-time applications ranging from industrial embedded applications such as aeronautics and automotive systems to multimedia, telecommunication and mobile computing systems. Of particular interest are papers detailing experiments, implementations, and experiences in application domains that present new model problems or identify significant temporal constraints.