
On the Scheduling of Fork-Join Parallel/Distributed Real-Time Tasks
Ref: CISTER-TR-140601       Publication Date: 15 to 17, Jun, 2014

On the Scheduling of Fork-Join Parallel/Distributed Real-Time Tasks

Ref: CISTER-TR-140601       Publication Date: 15 to 17, Jun, 2014

Modern real-time embedded applications present high computation requirements which need to be realized within strict time constraints. The current trend towards parallel processing in the embedded domain allows providing higher processing power. However, in some embedded applications, the use of powerful enough multi-core processors, may not be possible due to energy, space or cost constraints. A solution for this problem is to extend the parallel execution of the applications, allowing them to distribute their workload among networked nodes, on peak situations, to remote neighbour nodes in the system. In this context, we present the Partitioned-Distributed-Deadline Monotonic Scheduling algorithm for fork-join parallel/distributed fixed-priority tasks. We study the problem of scheduling fork-join tasks that execute in a distributed system, where the inherent transmission delay of tasks must be considered and cannot be deemed negligible, as in the case of multicore systems. Our scheduling algorithm is shown to have a resource augmentation bound of 4, which implies that any task set that is feasible on m unit-speed processors and a single shared real-time network, can be scheduled by our algorithm on m processors and a single real-time network that are 4 times faster. We confirm through simulations our analytical results.

Ricardo Garibay-Martínez
Geoffrey Nelissen
Luis Lino Ferreira
Luis Miguel Pinho

9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014), Real-time scheduling.
Pisa, Italy.

Record Date: 3, Jun, 2014