Turtlebot at Office: A Service-Oriented Software Architecture for Personal Assistant Robots Using ROS
Ref: CISTER-TR-180107 Publication Date: 4 to 6, May, 2016
Turtlebot at Office: A Service-Oriented Software Architecture for Personal Assistant Robots Using ROS
Ref: CISTER-TR-180107 Publication Date: 4 to 6, May, 2016Abstract:
—This paper presents the design of an assistive mobile
robot to support people in their everyday activities in office and
home environments. The contribution of this paper consists in the
design of a modular component-based software architecture that
provides different abstraction layers on top of Robot Operating
System (ROS) to make easier the design and development of
service robots with ROS. The first abstraction layer is the
COROS framework composed of complementary software subsystems
providing different interfaces between ROS and the client
applications. The second abstraction layer is the integration of
Web services into ROS to allow client applications to seamlessly
and transparently interact with the robot while hiding all
implementation details. The proposed software architecture was
validated through a experimental prototype of Turtlebot deployed
in University campus. Furthermore, we outline the challenges
incurred during experimentation and focus on lessons learned
throughout the implementation and deployment.
Poster presented in IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2016), Poster Session.
Bragança, Portugal.
Record Date: 5, Jan, 2018