
Trade-Off Performance Regions of Slotted ALOHA Protocol using Multi-Objective Optimization
Ref: CISTER-TR-150715       Publication Date: 17 to 18, Sep, 2015

Trade-Off Performance Regions of Slotted ALOHA Protocol using Multi-Objective Optimization

Ref: CISTER-TR-150715       Publication Date: 17 to 18, Sep, 2015

This paper revisits the study of the Slotted ALOHA protocol with J = 2 terminals. Unlike previous approaches, this work employs multi-objective optimization tools. The work is focused on the characterization of the boundary (envelope) or Pareto optimal front curve of different types of trade-off region: the conventional throughput region, sum-throughput vs. fairness, and sum-throughput vs. transmit power. When possible, parametric and non-parametric expressions of these envelopes are here provided. Fairness is evaluated by means of the Gini-index, which is a metric used in economics to measure income inequality. Transmit power is directly linked to the global transmission rate. The approach presented in this paper generalizes previous works and provides more insights into the operation of random access protocols.

Ramiro Robles
Atilio Gameiro

The 10th Conference on Telecommunications (Conftele 2015).
Aveiro, Portugal.

Record Date: 24, Jul, 2015