Feasibility Intervals for Homogeneous Multicores, Asynchronous Periodic Tasks, and FJP Schedulers
Ref: CISTER-TR-131005 Publication Date: 16 to 18, Oct, 2013
Feasibility Intervals for Homogeneous Multicores, Asynchronous Periodic Tasks, and FJP Schedulers
Ref: CISTER-TR-131005 Publication Date: 16 to 18, Oct, 2013Abstract:
We address the problem of scheduling asynchronous periodic real-time tasks on homogeneous multicore platforms using a global and Fixed Job-level Priority (FJP) scheduler, e.g., global-EDF (global Earliest Deadline First). We establish a finite interval of time such that, if no task deadline is missed while scheduling only the jobs released within this interval, then no task deadline will ever be missed at run time. This kind of interval is referred to as “feasibility interval” and allows for sufficient and necessary schedulability analyses.
21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013), ACM New York, pp 277-286.
Sophia Antipolis, France.
Notes: Best Presentation Award
Record Date: 28, Oct, 2013
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