CPS Week 2018 Advance Program ‧ SCOPE Workshop

This combined program is provided 'as is'. More up-to-date information may be avalialbe at each event's official websites.

CPS Week 2018 Program Overview

SCOPE Workshop

3rd International Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering in partnership with Global City Teams Challenge
official website

CPS Week 2018 Workshops:

Other CPS Week 2018 Events:

April 10

see all CPS Week events for this day

08:00 - 09:00Registration
Palácio da Bolsa
09:00 - 10:00Workshop Welcome + Keynote
C01 - Hotel Carris - Level -1 - Sala B
10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break
C12 - Hotel Carris - Level 0 - Bar
10:30 - 12:30Workshop Session 1

Crowd motion detection and prediction for transportation efficiency in shared spaces. Dongfang Yang, John M. Maroli, Linhui Li, Menna El-Shaer, Bander A. Jabr, Keith Redmill, Fusun Ozguner and Umit Ozguner

Smart and Secure Cities and Communities. Sokwoo Rhee and Scott Tousley

StormSense: A Blueprint for Coastal Flood Forecast Information & Automated Alert Messaging Systems. Derek Loftis, Sridhar Katragadda, Sokwoo Rhee and Cuong Nguyen

SDN-ERS: A Timely Software Defined Networking Framework for Emergency Response Systems. Mohamed Rahouti, Kaiqi Xiong, Tommy Chin and Peizhao Hu

C01 - Hotel Carris - Level -1 - Sala B
12:30 - 14:00Lunch
R01 - Palácio da Bolsa - Level 0 - Pátio das Nações
14:00 - 15:30Workshop Session 2

Towards a Design Studio for Collaborative Modeling and Co-Simulations of Mixed Electrical Energy Systems. Yogesh Barve, Himanshu Neema, Stephen Rees and Janos Sztipanovits

Structured Summarization of Social Web for Smart Emergency Services by Uncertain Concept Graph. Hemant Purohit, Saideep Nannapaneni, Abhishek Dubey, Prakruthi Karuna and Gautam Biswas

Facilitation of Smart City and Community Technology Convergence. Martin Burns and Sokwoo Rhee

C01 - Hotel Carris - Level -1 - Sala B
15:30 - 16:00Coffee Break
C12 - Hotel Carris - Level 0 - Bar
18:45 - 20:30CPS Week Workshop/Tutorial Cocktail Dînatoire
Palácio da Bolsa