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Page History: Publications

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Page Revision: 2013/05/06 11:49

Conferences and Workshops

Building a Microscope for the Data Center 
Nuno Pereira, Stefano Tennina, Eduardo Tovar (4, Jul, 2012)Published in proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2012) August 8-10, 2012, Yellow Mountains, China. (Best Paper Award

Technical Reports

A Microscope for the Data Center 
Nuno Pereira, Stefano Tennina, João Loureiro, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Manuel Santos, Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar (6, May, 2013) his is an extended version of "Building a Microscope for the Data Center" published in WASA'12.
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